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Europe's Wild Heart - Conference Report

Visit to wilderness is today usually connected to traveling to other continent, or just to the reading of books about the old past. Many people still do believe, that wilderness is something bad and dark, dangerous, that should be "civilized". But it is exactly population of the most "civilized" parts of the world, which now more and more wants to escape and seeks the wilderness to visit. After almost total liquidation of wilderness from our surroundings, we suddenly found that we miss it.
Some people do, because they simply want to see how nature can work itself, how breathtaking can be the action of natural powers, which maintained this planet sustainably for hundreds of millions years, long time before humans started to intervene. Some other miss it, because some plants, animals, natural habitats or processes may be seen only there.
And we are more and more aware that natural powers of wilderness are, at least in part, absolutely necessary even for the most modern human society. It is good therefore, that we do not need to go and see the natural powers of wilderness just to Amazonian forests, forests of Siberia or New Caledonia, but we also can see them here - in the middle of Europe.

Herausgeber  :  Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald 
Erscheinungsjahr  :  2009 
Umfang  :  76 Seiten
Typ  :  Broschüre mit CD 
ISBN  :  3-930977-33-8 
Wirtschaft/Unternehmer  :  Ja 
Kommunen/Behörden  :  Ja 
Breite Öffentlichkeit  :  Ja 
PDF  :  6,0 MB 
 Preis: 0,00 €/Stk

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