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Artikel-Nr: lgl_ges_00109

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One Health at the LGL - Health protection needs science

Human health is influenced by numerous complexly interwoven factors. Knowledge of the complex interrelationships between human and animal health and their environment forms the basis of the One Health concept. This strategic, comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach emphasises responsibility for health from a holistic perspective. This flyer provides information about the One Health concept at the LGL, related projects and the associated aims.

Herausgeber  :  Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit 
Erscheinungsjahr  :  Oktober 2022 
Umfang  :  6 Seiten
Typ  :  Faltblatt/Flyer 
PDF  :  987 KB 
 Preis: 0,00 €/Stk

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