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Artikel-Nr: stmuv_wasser_003

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Bavaria; Land of Water - Sustainable Water Management in Bavaria

"Bavaria is a "land of water": Over 100,000 kilometres of streams and rivers flow through the state. Together with the natural environment along their banks, they form a network of habitats for a broad variety of flora and fauna. Protecting and improving this diversity of species is one of our key concerns. For aquatic areas as natural habitats, the EC Water Framework Directive established new standards. A new conservation-oriented approach has long since taken hold, no longer is the primary objective to restrain and control the water bodies but to preserve their natural functions. Taking into account the valid need for safety, inland surface waters are being restored to their natural state wherever possible in Bavaria. But we are still a long way from achieving all our goals, as the Water Framework Directive is - justifiably - demanding. Each individual is also called upon to treat our liquid treasure with due care. This brochure aims to convey the knowledge necessary for this."

Herausgeber  :  Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz 
Erscheinungsjahr  :  November 2020 
Umfang  :  132 Seiten
Typ  :  Broschüre 
Schüler/Studenten  :  Ja 
Kinder  :  Ja 
Wirtschaft/Unternehmer  :  Ja 
Kommunen/Behörden  :  Ja 
Breite Öffentlichkeit  :  Ja 
PDF  :  21,5 MB