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Artikel-Nr: npvbw_natur_00060

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Research in the Bavarian Forest National Park

The Bavarian Forest National Park has now been in existence for over half a century! For almost just as long, the natural environment here has been left to its own devices and safeguarded within the park’s protected area. This sanctuary offers a wonderful opportunity to study the natural processes that take place here. In the 1970s, research work in the national park started with the recording of simple measurements related to water, air and soil pollution, which has gradually evolved into the wide-ranging research work currently undertaken here - from monitoring an array of animal species and biodiversity markers through to animal carcass decomposition. Over the decades, scientific work has become increasingly important in the national park. The results we have learnt from the research in the national park have become more and more internationally relevant. As a result, the National Park is a globally respected centre of scientific research. Scientists from all over the world welcome the opportunity to travel here and conduct projects on a large intact forest ecosystem. This research work is not only made possible by our excellently managed internal research team, but also through our strong network of national and international partners.

Erscheinungsjahr  :  10/2023 
Umfang  :  44 Seiten
Typ  :  Broschüre A4 quer 
Schüler/Studenten  :  Ja 
Kinder  :  Nein 
Wirtschaft/Unternehmer  :  Ja 
Kommunen/Behörden  :  Ja 
Breite Öffentlichkeit  :  Ja 
PDF  :  5.1 MB