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Artikel-Nr: stmuv_abfall_005

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Guideline for the Implementation of Municipal Waste Prevention Concepts

The European Union (EU) Waste Framework Guidelines from 2008 have made waste prevention first priority in waste management. Waste prevention includes minimization of the amount of waste as well as reduction of hazardous consequences of waste.
All EU member states are obligated to set up their own waste prevention programs.
Against this background, this practiceoriented guideline for waste prevention was elaborated by the Resource Lab of the University of Augsburg, the Bavarian Environmental Agency, the cities of Munich and Augsburg, and the administrative district of the village Miesbach, by order of Bavarian Environmental Ministry. More than 100 Bavarian municipalities were involved. The results of this guideline are based on an empirical survey of all Bavarian municipalities and the newest scientific perceptions in the field of waste management.
The guideline contains about 30 procedures to perform waste prevention in practise. Additionally selected waste prevention procedures are calculatet based on indicators like carbon footprint.

Herausgeber  :  Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz 
Erscheinungsjahr  :  Data and weblinks as of November 2018-Published January 2019 
Umfang  :  56 Seiten
Typ  :  Broschüre 
Schüler/Studenten  :  Ja 
Wirtschaft/Unternehmer  :  Ja 
Kommunen/Behörden  :  Ja 
Breite Öffentlichkeit  :  Ja 
PDF  :  1,69 MB 
 Preis: 0,00 €/Stk

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