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Artikel-Nr: lfu_was_00181

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Checklist and recommended courses of action for safe and reliable drinking water supply by small water utilities in Bavaria

The contents of the brochure focus on the most important basic rules for a safe water supply. A short checklist with references to standards and regulations enables every water supply company to check the compliance with them in-house very quickly. Recommendations for action show, which measures may be implemented promisingly by using relatively small efforts. Fictitious calculation examples show, that the implementation of specific measures does not always require large increases of the water charges. The brochure in particular is intended to encourage persons, who are responsible for small water utilities, to take a closer look at their own water supply and to ask themselves whether a safe water supply is always guaranteed. The brochure is specially edited for small water utilities with a water delivery of less than 100,000 m3 per year, but is also valid for larger companies.

Herausgeber  :  Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt 
Erscheinungsjahr  :  state 2016, English edition 2020 
Umfang  :  64 Seiten
Typ  :  Broschüre 
Schüler/Studenten  :  Ja 
Wirtschaft/Unternehmer  :  Ja 
Kommunen/Behörden  :  Ja 
Breite Öffentlichkeit  :  Ja 
PDF  :  1,8 MB